Wednesday, October 3, 2012

25th Wedding Anniversary

25 years ago, by Kelley Eubanks uses stamps from PSA Archive & Mr. & Mrs. Peel & Stick packs

25 years ago, my parents were married!    

My mom married Mike when I was almost 7 years old, but they’re love bloomed in 1983 when I was just 3.    I’ve called him Mike since I met him, but he is my father.  And he is the best husband to my mother.   Their relationship is beautiful – one that betters most storybook romances because it’s real.     

DAILY it is incredibly obvious how much they love eachother.  It’s the the tone and manner in which they communicate.   The little things that they do for eachother to make life better.     Just the other day, my mom had a massive headache, Mike was working on a project in the basement and he stopped what he was working on to drive to the store to get her medicine.   Simple and small, they demonstate how important the other person is even over their own agenda.   It’s never about fancy things or material items with them.  Truly it’s not.  They just value time spent together at dinners out, on vacation, and just being together.  It’s clear that not only do they love eachother, but they like being together.    25 years later!

When I got married, our minister Emmett said to us – marriage is not 50/50.  It’s 100/100.   How true! Their relationship has always been a model for me, and I wouldn’t have settled for anything less than what they have.  Happy Anniversary to my parents!


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